Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Fairy Dog Mother

My housemate and brother AJ and I have both wanted to get a dog for a while now, so the time is right once the 3rd roommate moves out. We've decided on a corgi as the breed, but haven't looked into anything further yet. I'm excited, I think I'll really enjoy taking care of a pet. We'll see.

Went to the gym after work today and did upper body weights. I think I'm going to be sore tomorrow, which is good. I didn't get any cardio in today though. That will be unacceptable soon. I haven't fully turned it on yet as far as the official cutting routine; I'm just warmng up right now. Once I officially begin, I will be doing 8 cardio sessions a week... Yup, twice a day some days! Oy!

I STILL haven't made it to the grocery store this week! Had a good healthy dinner at K's house tonight- turkey burgers (no bun) and veggies. I did not weigh or measure the food though, since A. I didn't bring a food scale, and B. Haven't officially started yet. I'll do my official start date as June 21, which is this Sunday.

In a bit of exciting summer news, I'm going out to Breckenrige, CO for an extended 4th of July weekend with MP. He's going out to the Firecracker 50 MTB race to support the GT Bicycles Golden Race series, and asked me to join him. Hells yes! I'm doing a 10k trail run while I'm out there, along with shopping and spa time. I love the west, and miss the granduer of mountainscape. I can't wait to see the Rockies! Warms my icy heart.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Beautiful and Dirty Rich.

<----- So here is my current status picture! The Sepia color effect shows a little more definition than regular since my skin is so light. I should have taken before pics first thing in the morning, since I am still totally puffy today after my weekend of binge drinking at Waterfront Fest and the Crystal, but today was my opportunity since AJ was home and could take them for me. Looking at this picture is both motivating and uplifting. It's cool to see how far I've come, but its also motivation to push me towards my goals. I was just working on my BodySpace profile on BodySpace is where you basically create a profile and upload pics to track progress. I'm not posting any pics of my ass yet! I have taken them, but they are for my eyes only at this point.

Still haven't made it to the grocery store to get stocked up on food. Made salmon and asparagus for dinner last night and had that for lunch today, but I haven't packed my 10:45 AM and 3:30 PM meals because I don't really have anything in the house for those except protein bars, which are an OK substitute but only in cases where whole foods are not available. Better to eat one of those than skip a meal.

I was at the office until 6:30 today. I have to say, though I am pretty good at it, Human Resources is probably not my passion. The paper trails are too long, and the processes to strict. Maybe HR management.... I don't know. I want to be the boss. I want to use my mind, problem solve and critically think. Busy work is for the birds. Spreadsheets are doable but make my eyes bleed. I think I am going to start taking classes in the fall. I need to get that degree under my belt. I need to get that little piece of paper in my hands that proves "I JUMPT THRU HOOPS!" I might start out at Upper Iowa University, across the way from work. They've got a good selection of classes with online and after work options. I've got an impressive work resume built up so far and I keep advancing but eventually I will get to a point where not having a degree will hold me back.

I would rather have a sponsor, so I could go to school for literature and art and just get totally absorbed into it. The plan is to marry dirty rich, my full time job being working out, spa treatments, shopping, and critiquing pop culture. *Or* reach fame and fortune and have servants...but just in case that does not happen, a girl's gotta have a back up plan.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Gnat City

Just back from a lakeside run this eve. I did my favorite quick loop- run down Jenny, cut over to Yaharah park, then along the Lake until you cut left through Olbrich and meet back up with the bike path and head back up the Marquette hood. Its about 4 miles, and I can extended it if I want. I just did the 4 miles tonight, as I feel extrememly out of shape today. Did I not run 13.1 miles in one swoop just 3 weeks ago? Why do I feel so slow? I bet the two weeks off complete with plenty o' beer has a little something to do with it.

I am sitting here covered in sweat trying to cool off-- there's no AC in my crib! The landlord said I could get a window unit for my bedroom but I've been too lazy and cheap to pick one up yet. i don't take the heat too well. Its 79 degrees, humid, and on the run the gnats were in clouds so thick they couldn't be avoided. I ate at least three, and just found one in the corner of my eye. mmm delicious gnatty bits!

Still haven't offically started my hardcore 40/40/20 eating plan yet- I need to make it to the grocery store first. I did eat fairly healthy today though, Oatmeal breakfast, stirfry for lunch, protein bar snack. Trying to figure out some dinner...probably scrambled eggs. When I begin the cutting diet I will need to make sure I am eating 5 times a day, all clean foods, and that takes prior planning and preparation. My new role in Human Resources has me a bit frazzled and I've been finding it hard to muster up the mental capacity to do much of anything in the evenings after work. The run tonight was fantastic- I think tomorrow I might ride to the YMCA after work for some lifting and cardio.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Up To Speed

I basically started this blog to be a creative outlet and a way to document my journey. I could obsess over what I'm going to post...the format, etc. but I am hoping to save those obsessions to my macro nutrient counting and things like that. This will be a more written-stream-of consciousness type of thing. At least until I get more of a feel for what style of entries I like the best. And because this is my blog, I will comment as needed on my personal life, pop culture, and your mom as much as I want to. This is just a glimpse into the inner workings of Madame T. (buckle up)
I should probably post a little background info, and explain what the Autonomy Project is.

I prefer the more contextual definitions of autonomy rather than literal. To me it is independence in actions and choices. Freedom of Movement, discipline in how you choose to move....and what you do. The idea that this life is what you make it because of the choices you make-and the autonomy involved in making them.

The Autonomy project is meant to evoke thoughts of grandeur, that's just my my way, but specifically, The Autonomy Project is an experiment to see what kind of physical shape I can get into based on my actions and movements when my focus goes towards a certain goal, whatever that may be, though my immediate goal is physique related.

How I Got To This Point:

(ABRIDGED VERSION): In 2004, I was 20 years old and weighed a hefty 260 lbs (thanks to reefer, Cheeto's, and pure unadulterated laziness. I blame Hendrix and Bob Marley too.). With the help of a co-worker who was a body builder and "practicing" to be a personal trainer, I lost 80 lbs and got down to about 180 pounds by June of 2005. I am 5'9".

I spent the next few years working out off and on, going through phases of being hardcore- lifting, cardio, and eating clean, then I'd get to a point where enough was enough and I was ready to party or I was dating a new guy so I'd slack off...and the cycle would repeat.

So fast forward a few years. In all I've gained about 15 pounds since the big loss. Last summer I started doing triathlons and various fun runs, with my most recent accomplishment being a half-marathon in May 2009. Training for and completing these events were amazing, and I pushed myself in lots of ways, but I never quite got out of it what I wanted to get out of it in the end. You know what I wanted? To be FIT. Yes, I can run 13.1 miles, yet I'm ashamed to be in a swimsuit in public. That's messed up! Endurance sports are cool, and still something I want to excel at, but I want to get into my dream body first. I have worked my ASS off, I really have, but I want to focus on specific physique-forming workouts. Burn fat feed muscle. Endurance sports do not necessarily mean fat burning, in fact, you are training your body to hold on to fat for fuel!

Jan 1, 2009- I weigh in at 194 pounds. Yuck! I went back on a 40/40/20 clean eating plan while training for the half, and I lost about 19 pounds, to bring me to my current weight of 175.

I have read thousands of hours worth of literature and articles on fitness, nutrition, fat loss and body building, and I have put that knowledge to the test at times and it has worked.

I know what I need to eat (and not eat) and I know what I need to do in order get into amazing shape and cut the fat, now it is time to do that.

This blog is my journey. It will document the fitness stuff, and everything in between.

Entry One



–noun, plural -mies.
1. independence or freedom, as of the will or one's actions: the autonomy of the individual.
2. the condition of being autonomous; self-government, or the right of self-government; independence: The rebels demanded autonomy from Spain.
3. a self-governing community.

So basically.....I'll do what I will. :)