I'm currently sitting at the Dane county airport waiting to board my flight to Denver. I'm spending the weekend in Breckenridge, Colorado, which I've never been to but heard great things about. It should be a nice extended weekend.
Work is continually stressing me out, though I'm trying to maintain a positive outlook and continue to do a good job. There's just a lot going on. The world of HR is heavy on policy and paperwork. Boring! Besides that all of my friends who are leaving the company due to the reorginization are going to be missed. Makes me do some soul searching too. Have I been in this one-horse town too long? Wouldn't it be great to move to another country for 2 or 3 years, and work and live and learn; totally immerse yourself in another culture and expand your mind? I'm toting with lots of ideas right now. I think it is important that I never become stagnant. I need to remain ambitious and moving towards the stars.
So I haven't started my official cutting diet and fitness routine yet. I really don't have and valid excuses except for work stress making me too mentally drained to expend the energy, and I like drinking beer in the summer. Plus it would have been silly to start before vacation, only to abandon it for 4 days. So I'm dubbing 7-7-09 as the official start date. I just need to get my mind right, so that's what I've been doing. Once I get started, it going to be an obsession so my social activities will change too. "Who wants an ice water!" I've also been fighting some typical (for me) down-in-the-dumps feelings for the past 8 weeks or so, and anyone who can relate can probably relate to how that affects things.
One day at a time. But not so chalant that life passes you by. As unromantic as it sounds,I think some kind of goals and plans are necessary, otherwise you'll wake up one day and be old with regrets. Maybe, maybe not.