I have not blogged in FOREVER! I have been having some adventures, some heartaches, some twists and turns. I am 25.5 years old in a week, and I am well. Severe knee pain has impacted my NFEC training, but I have an appointment Thursday to get checked out. I hope I hear good things.
I realized I haven't written anything since basically before I started seeing Paul- who am I now now longer seeing. He was a cool guy but things didn't work out. He "wasn't over his ex" and blah blah blah. Paul has oats to sow. It was a fun three weeks or so while it lasted. Good times were had. He was pretty social, I had a pretty big crush on him. He was an artist, a special needs teacher in the elementary school system, rides bikes everywhere and has a cute little Corgi puppy named Spy. He even started a feeding the homeless project in 2005 that still goes on every Sunday at James Madison Park. An Aries like me, Paul could not be held down. Just like I'm kind of a wishy-washy free spirit, so is he. It is no wonder he broke up with me- commitment is scarey. He's a damn fool though. :)
It has been strange- this was my first time getting dumped. But being on the dumpee end of things is an interesting change. There is a lot less guilt, which is nice. Paul was puzzling though, because he was the one who "rushed" things with us; the one who set the fast pace. Typical Aires- sizzle to fizzle. All of his friends were these incredibly genuine, cool people who seemed pleased to meet me. They acted like whoever Paul's girlfriend was must be cool. I even ran into a friend of his today at the Willy St. Fair who was puzzled by the breakup. "I thought you were good for him, good together," he commented. Oh well! Three and a half weeks is nothing really, so I'm not upset. I do think getting "dumped" does weird things to your self esteem though...for the next week after I stopped doing my hair and make up; slept in every day, and have been eating crap food. Alas, it is good to experience this side of things....its all a part of this life adventure. The last thing I am going to say about that whole thing is that the one thing that sucks is that I don't often meet guys like him that I am intrigued by and attracted to. There was a lot lacking...we never had real conversations and he was a bit of a hippie, but likes is likes.
Living on Jenny street continues to be a blast, I can't imagine living anywhere else. I of course love having my broseph AJ as a roommate, and our new roommate, Amy, is the coolest person ever. I am really enjoying getting to know her. It has been a fun east-side Madison summer.
Work is keeping me busy. I was struggling to learn my new role, but now my boss and I have become a team and we are really working together quite well. I'm still working about 50 hours a week, but I really thrive in the busy work environment. There are some tough times ahead at work, we're losing some good talent and absolutely incredible people in the coming weeks due to a re-organization. Being in HR, I am very close to the carnage. All in a days work I spose.
More soon