Notice how I haven't posted in a while? Well the train got off the tracks.
We had body composition testing at work a few weeks ago.
Here are my stats:
weight 216 (OMFG)
body fat % 34.5 (cringe!)
lean muscle mass: 141.0 lbs (yay)
holy shit! This is what happens when you don't make fitness and clean eating a priority. For months I've been making poor choices so I'm not surprised. Too time crunched for running or lifting at lunch, I've been going out to lunch as more of the rule rather than the exception. After work I've been shedding work stress the wrong way - cocktails rather than gym time. And my weekends are filled with going out way too much then feeling to like crap the next day.
I guess the one good thing to come out of this is a lesson learned. A hard lesson, a lesson that makes me want to crawl in a hole or find a time machine. I know better! In fact I feel down right stupid about the fact that my BLOG PROJECT is about hard work and achieving peak physical fitness and I lost my focus. All my hard work at the office paid off, I did get a promotion which is really a great step for my career and financials, but I do know this, energy flows where attention goes. And, all those workouts and clean meals where I didn't see any results were in fact good for something - maintainance! I feel like with this lesson learned I will be able to stay on track better than ever.
Its time to go full throttle again. I have a work trip coming up in a few weeks, but once I'm back from that it will be on. I think I am going to schedule a photo shoot for February 2011 so I have something to aim for. I really want to do some pin-up girl modeling.
My mom said something that rang true to me. She said that when scientists are plotting the course to reach the moon, they are constantly veering off course then replotting. I feel like my journey is just like that.