Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Today is day 26. I ran 3 miles at lunch today, and went to the Y afterwork for Back, Shoulders, and 20 minutes of treadmill intervals. Had a protein shake immediately after, then came home and made an egg white/veggie scramble for dinner. I'm super tired right now!

Went to a wedding on Sunday and had 2 glasses of wine and ate the food being served there. It was a pig roast complete wish mac and cheese, cornbread, and dessert. So delicious! That was day 23, and it was a well deserved splurge. It kind of threw me off a little because it happened on a Sunday and that is usually a day that I cook my meals for the next few days, but I just cooked Monday evening instead. I had to get creative for my meals Monday during the day though, went to the Copps salab bar for my lunch break. Went to the Y after work and did glutes and cardio intervals, although my glute workout wasn't the best because I didn't have proper fuel in my body. I should have had some carbs + protein 30 min to an hour before but I hadn't had anything to eat in several hours. Gotta give those muscles something to work with! It all goes back to being prepared.

I also had some cheat food yesterday, a friend came over and we ordered pizza and watched TV. I just really felt like it, work had been a bitch and I wanted to just relax and decompress. There aren't many days like that for me these days so I'm just moving right along with my clean eating and workouts otherwise. Although I thouroughly enjoyed the cheat.

Got my body fat tested on Tuesday Oct 12th. The last time I had it tested was June 22nd, 16 weeks prior. My body fat stayed exactly the same, but I had gained 5 lbs- of muscle. Damn! I knew I had gained lbs since June, I mean I've only been working out and eating right for a few weeks now, so that means I had June through September to get more out of shape. I guess I am just surprised that what I did gain was all muscle.

The report that this body fat test generates gives you some great information, it basically tells you how much you will weigh at what body fat percentage as long as you preserve your lean mass, meaning the only weight you lose is fat. Based on my 144.6 lbs of lean muscle, if I weighed 166 lbs I will be at 15% body fat- that is pretty low for a female, as normall healthy range is low 20's.

166 pounds? Isn't that what people weigh in thier "before" pictures? Granted, the lowest I've weighed in my adult life has been 175 lbs, and I have gained alot of muscle since then, but I am just surprised that number is so high. You can see a six-pack around 14% body fat or less, so that means if I weigh 162-164 pounds I'll have a visible six pack. Holy cow! I am so glad I got my numbers done because before, I was aiming to get down to 153 lbs, but that would something be like 6% body fat- which is too low for realisticness. Maybe if I were competing, but not for my current purposes and you could never maintain that.

Now if I were to lose lean muscle along with fat, that number would change, but why would I want to lose an ounce of lean muscle? I will study up o specifics and blog about why I am better off keeping all lean muscle and being 15% body fat at 166 lbs, than losing lean muscle and being 15% body fat at 150 lbs.

Anywho. So I shall strive to preserve all the lean muscle I can, while burning fat fat fat.
