Today was a gorgeous September day, so I went for a jog at lunch on the bike path near my office. The forecast was calling for clouds all day, but right at noon, the sun decided to peek out for a bit. Perfect timing. It was warmer than expected, but I had dressed comfortably enough that it wasn't bad.
Getting back into running is tough. I can feel each ounce of extra weight on my body with each step. The good thing is that it is a great workout for me at this point, even if I'm jogging-walking-jogging-walking, my heartrate stays pretty high the whole time. I am not focusing on distance, or endurance or any of that stuff right now. I just want to get my body accustomed to the movement again, and get my heartrate up.
There was a time, at my peak of fitness when I was training for a half-marathon, that I couldn't leave the house for a run without my
Garmin Forerunner. So hardcore! I'll get to that point again, maybe, although that may be a little obsessive. I remember getting ready for a run once, and my Forerunner was low battery. I fiddled around the house for and hour just to let the dang thing charge so I could clock my run. sheesh!
Anyways, a cool thing happened on my run today. As I was headed back towards the office, I was telling myself "you might not feel good but you can finish strong" and it was my last running spurt and I was really suffering. Well, just at that time, a nice lady riding her bike along coming towards me gave me a big smile and flashed a thumbs up as she crusied by. That was all I needed! Totally made my day too. Anyone who has done any type of athletic event know that the cheering, the music, the signs, the cowbells- really do HELP! The crazier the better, I'm starting to think. I remember when I did the Devil's Lake Sprint Triathalon two years ago, at the top of a huge hill climb on the bike course, there was a group of people sitting there with the tailgate of the truck open blasting Eye of the Tiger. It was fantastic.
I'm still on my clean eating routine, today marked the 5th consecutive day. It doesn't just happen though, it takes a lot of preparation. In fact that is why I didn't get a chance to write last night. I got some veggies cut up then ran to the gym for chest & cardio, and when I got home I had to cook chicken, steam veggies, shower, eat, and then package the food into containers for the next few days' meals, then wash dishes (we don't have a dishwasher in this old house).
I just got this nifty vegetable steamer, and I love it! My mom had one in the house when we were kids, and we would play with it like a spaceship, putting our toys in and flying them around.
Spaceship! |
The steamer cooked the veggies perfectly. I made it a point to take them out before they got too mushy because I am making a conscious effort to eat veggies as close to raw as I can tolerate. I don't mind them raw but I do tend to favor a more sauted, softer style when they aren't in a salad. I also picked up some acorn and butternut squash from the Jenny St. Market (a steal at $.50 a lb!) and softened them in the oven for about 45 minutes. I never thought I would like squash without butter, but I have come to love it. To me, it takes the place of a decadent, fatty, comfort-food style dish. I can't wait to make my squash soup! I probably will in the next few weeks. I'll post my recipe when I do. It has been tweaked to perfection. :) Those meals should last me through tomorrow evening, so I'll need to make something else then. Probably more turkey meatloaf muffins, with garlic quinoa and broccoli.
Oy! This overworked body sure needs a rest. As hard as it is getting back into it, the reward of this effort is 1000 times sweeter. The sense of accomplishment, feeling like I have control, the clear mind, the hope and moments of feeling pure joy. That is the good stuff, ladies and gentlemen.