Thursday, September 30, 2010

Regular old Thursday

I'm feeling spacey and ADD this eve. My order came in yesterday. I ordered multi-vitatmins, quick-absorb protein (for immediatly post workout), and a cool protein shaker that has a separate chamber for the powder so you can mix it right before you drink it, at the gym or whatever.

With multi-v's re-up I was able to get my supplement arsenal all in a row. Right now, it consists of:

-Fish oil
-Echinacea (only for this week since I was sick last week- to get my immune system kickin)

The last couple of times I've run on the bike path near work I've noticed this little guy along side the grassy part of the path. I finally stopped and took a pic:

He's a fun guy.

That's it for today.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

One doz

Woohoo! It's day 12. Still 100%. We had a lunch-time cookout for everyone at work today that I had to oversee but I brought my own lunch and ate after. Besides the fact that there was nothing there I could eat except lettuce & tomato, it was too early for my lunch. I usually eat at 8:30am, 10:30am, 1:00pm and 4:00 pm -all at work! Thank goodness my office is super close to the breakroom. It works out perfect for me to grab my meals when I need them.

Yesterday was another hectic day at work but I managed to sneak out for a quick run. My legs were pretty tired but they feel better today. Today I went to the Y after work and did back plus 30 minutes of cardio. Eventually I'll build up to 45-60 min cardio, but for now I am acclimating my body.

I didn't drink enough water today. I've been trying to get down two 32-oz bottles full per workday but I only drank one and a half. I drink tons of water in the evenings, it's easy then. It's funny getting your body used to that though. At first you have to pee all the time. Last week I was getting up twice before I could fall asleep at night. It's better this week. I've become a huge fan of herbal tea. Easpecially chamomile. Celestial Seasonings makes a honey vanilla chamomile that is pretty tasty.

I love the structure and pattern my life has these days. I really am a creature of habit- just have to make those habits count. :)

One more day to add to the bank. Cha-ching!

Monday, September 27, 2010

(10) ten

Today marks the tenth day of my endeavor and I am pleased to say that I still have as much steam as I did ten days ago. My 3 day illness tried to twart me, but to no avail! I've eaten 100%, and worked out every day I wasn't sick in bed.

I finally started to feel better yesterday, but I was probably more stir crazy than anything so I went to the gym and did that glute routine I mentioned a few posts ago. I got on a treadmill to get some cardio in, but my lungs were not feeling very good, so I walked for 20 minutes.

Although I do feel very motivated, I almost talked myself out of my workout this evening. After being out sick Friday I was swamped, plus my boss was back in town, and then I had 3 back to back meetings this morning, my day got away from me in a hurry. I ended up skipping my lunch break (ate at my desk) and staying an hour late, which made for a 10 hour day. By 10:00AM I knew I would have to skip a lunch workout, but as the day wore on and I got busier and busier I talked myself in and out of my workout a few time. Never all the way out, but I did toy with the idea of just going home and curling up to watch Mad Men. I was tired!! So then I thought about getting home, and then driving over to the Eastside Y, but I knew if I did that there was chance I wouldn't go. So I changed into my workout gear at work and ran on the bike path there. I am so glad I did (Aren't you always glad when you do?) and now I have one more workout to take to the bank. It was nice being out on a crisp fall evening too, though that cold air made my lungs burn.

I've  been going back in forth in my head about results. Now that I am dedicated, disciplined and doing it, I have moments where I am impatient with results, but more than that, I over analyze every facet of the plan. Almost like "surely there is some secret move, some magic nutrient that will make my results come quicker- something the pros do, some secret they have." I research and read, and re-read, and research. Best moves, proper form, proper macronutrient ratios, proper timing of said ratios....everything. The truth -and what I need to remember- is that I do know what I'm doing. I AM doing what the "pros" do. I have done my homework. I just have to keep doing it, over and over and over again. I didn't fall off the wagon overnight, and it is only with consistency + time that I will get the results. Tell my doubting mind that!! It really is like having an angel and a devil on your shoulder, this human condition.

Oh, and its super weird being super single. Like I said, its what I want to be doing right now, I have to put this stuff first for a spell and center myself again, get my groove back so to speak, physically, mentally, and spiritually. But it still doesn't mean it isn't weird. I haven't even seen M in over a week! The last few times we hung out I realized he is  irritable towards me in a way that is kinda annoying and makes me feel bad about myself. So, I've loosened the straps on that one too. He's been my sidekick for a while, even through past boyfriends I've had but that "endearing" feeling of our friendship is wearing off. I'm finding it harder to relate. And like I've said before, my circle of friends in the neighborhood are really into the bar scene, and I'm giving that up for a while too. I am totally happy- more happy now than I have been in months, but I do acknowledge some moments of lonely. Lonely is not a bad thing. This time of, well, "me-time" rocks. I am kind of viewing this time as some sort of metamorphosis, almost like I'm in hiding for now but will emerge at some point, changed. And it is totally that. Its all a continual circle of reaping and sowing.

I should sign out and hit the sack but I wanted to display two new products I've entered into my regime this weekend:

More beneficial than peanut butter, and pretty tasty. I have a tablespoon with my night time protein shake.

The one and only Udo's oil. You can't cook with it, so I use it in classic oil/basalmic dressings. Fo' drizzle!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Third Day's a Charm?

Ughhhhh today is day three of my cold from hell. It has moved from my head to my chest, so now I get to cough it up. HAWT! I did some research about excersizing when your sick, and my findings were that you can workout if your cold is above the neck, but if moves below, you cannot. This sucks, because I've finally stopped having body aches and no energy, but I do know my chest is tow' up. Sad Panda!!!! I almost want to go to the gym anyway, but what I am worried about is that it will make me worse and then I will be sicker longer. Soooo I'm just babying myself and taking it easy. I have watched so many movies in the past two days, I'm sick of it. I did take a three-block walk a little while ago, and I might take a longer one later.

I think I am doing all the right things to knock out this wretched cold. When I woke up at 8am this morning and felt that it had moved to my chest, I immediatly busted out the Vick's, slathered it on my chest (hot!) and passed out for three more hours. That stuff works wonders! Although it evokes weird dreams.

For nutrition, I've maintained 100% clean eating...which means today is day 8 eating clean. Day 10 of no drinking. The only difference in my diet now to how it would be otherwise is additional fruit servings. I had a grapefruit Thursday, two oranges yesterday, and an apple today. I'll have an orange later. I want to pack in the vitamins and electrolytes that fruits provide. For breakfast today I made a veggie scramble with avacado.

This is the most lethal secret weapon off all......Popeye juice from the Co-op. What is this Popeye juice, you ask? It is 16oz of juiced beets, carrots, and spinach. Bam! Vitamins fo' yo' body. It sounds gross but juiced carrots are actually super sweet, sweet enough that the whole drink is earthy and delicious. I'm not sure how many calories it contains but I am sure it is high in carbls and natural sugars from the carrots so I let it count as my carb choice with breakfast.

Wish me well! I'm close to going crazy what with all this pent up motivation and no outlet. Heal body, heal!!!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Thursday, September 23, 2010

I'm Illi

Left work at 3 today to come home and rest. This cold I have been battling has moved from my throat to my sinuses/head, with body aches to boot. I'm totally bummed about it because although my body is worn, my mind is like "Go! Go! Go!" and I really wish I had the physical strength to put in a good workout today. Ah well. I do understand the importance of resting when I need to, I guess I just wasn't expecting this. I mean, c'mon, it's day SIX! But- that is part of my theory of why I'm sick. I think it's part of the detoxification process. The sudden 180 probably put my system into bit of a shock and I'm sure my immune system was affected too. So when my defenses were down, the sickness strikes. I really hope I kick this in the next few (hours!) days.

This is kind of humorous- so Tuesday was chest day, and just like my first big back and glutes day, I'm sore as hell today from it, here two days later. Well the muscular chest pain is playing tricks on me with this whole cold thing, and it makes it feel like my chest is tight and super congested, when in reality it is not.

Whelp, I double dosed on sugar-free tussin a bit ago and I'm drinking tons of water. I have to go cook now, sick or not. These clean meals won't prepare themselves and I need to be armed and ready to go.

(please note I am currently accepting sympathy, chicken soup, and massages. Inquire within.)


Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Thumbs Up

Today was a gorgeous September day, so I went for a jog at lunch on the bike path near my office. The forecast was calling for clouds all day, but right at noon, the sun decided to peek out for a bit. Perfect timing. It was warmer than expected, but I had dressed comfortably enough that it wasn't bad.

Getting back into running is tough. I can feel each ounce of extra weight on my body with each step. The good thing is that it is a great workout for me at this point, even if I'm jogging-walking-jogging-walking, my heartrate stays pretty high the whole time. I am not focusing on distance, or endurance or any of that stuff right now. I just want to get my body accustomed to the movement again, and get my heartrate up.

 There was a time, at my peak of fitness when I was training for a half-marathon, that I couldn't leave the house for a run without my Garmin Forerunner. So hardcore! I'll get to that point again, maybe, although that may be a little obsessive. I remember getting ready for a run once, and my Forerunner was low battery.  I fiddled around the house for and hour just to let the dang thing charge so I could clock my run. sheesh!

Anyways, a cool thing happened on my run today. As I was headed back towards the office, I was telling myself "you might not feel good but you can finish strong" and it was my last running spurt and I was really suffering. Well, just at that time, a nice lady riding her bike along coming towards me gave me a big smile and flashed a thumbs up as she crusied by. That was all I needed! Totally made my day too. Anyone who has done any type of athletic event know that the cheering, the music, the signs, the cowbells- really do HELP! The crazier the better, I'm starting to think. I remember when I did the Devil's Lake Sprint Triathalon two years ago, at the top of a huge hill climb on the bike course, there was a group of people sitting there with the tailgate of the truck open blasting Eye of the Tiger. It was fantastic.

I'm still on my clean eating routine, today marked the 5th consecutive day. It doesn't just happen though, it takes a lot of preparation. In fact that is why I didn't get a chance to write last night. I got some veggies cut up then ran to the gym for chest & cardio, and when I got home I had to cook chicken, steam veggies, shower, eat, and then package the food into containers for the next few days' meals, then wash dishes (we don't have a dishwasher in this old house).

I just got this nifty vegetable steamer, and I love it! My mom had one in the house when we were kids, and we would play with it like a spaceship, putting our toys in and flying them around. 


The steamer cooked the veggies perfectly. I made it a point to take them out before they got too mushy because I am making a conscious effort to eat veggies as close to raw as I can tolerate. I don't mind them raw but I do tend to favor a more sauted, softer style when they aren't in a salad. I also picked up some acorn and butternut squash from the Jenny St. Market (a steal at $.50 a lb!) and softened them in the oven for about 45 minutes. I never thought I would like squash without butter, but I have come to love it. To me, it takes the place of a decadent, fatty, comfort-food style dish. I can't wait to make my squash soup! I probably will in the next few weeks. I'll post my recipe when I do. It has been tweaked to perfection. :) Those meals should last me through tomorrow evening, so I'll need to make something else then. Probably more turkey meatloaf muffins, with garlic quinoa and broccoli.

Oy! This overworked body sure needs a rest. As hard as it is getting back into it, the reward of this effort is 1000 times sweeter. The sense of accomplishment, feeling like I have control, the clear mind, the hope and moments of feeling pure joy. That is the good stuff, ladies and gentlemen.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Over Done

Boy oh boy, I am SORE AS HELL today. I am still feeling it from my Saturday back workout, and my legs are getting more sore as the day goes on. I am trying not to let it discourage me- I may have gone a little too heavy for just getting back into it, but hey, the sign said "Lift Heavy or Go Home" and I didn't go home.

I was too sore to go to the gym after work today- although I did walk 2 miles at lunch. I was planning on making today a chest/elliptical day, but that will just have to happen tomorrow. Besides the lifting, I have been run/walking on the treadmill, and that leaves me hella sore too. Its just using all these muscles that haven't been used in a while.  I admit I am feeling guilty about not going to the gym, but I really don't want to injure myself. I mean I am sore to the point of barely being able to sit! If I hadn't walked at lunch and eaten clean all day I would have gone anyway, but I think I made the right choice. I'm going to go to bed before 10 tonight and give my muscles the rest they deserve. It is still so good to be back!

almond milk. eh, so so. Probably because I use the unsweetened, of course.

One of my daily vices is my morning coffee - coffee with cream and splenda. Well, clean eating has no room for half and half so I bought some almond milk for my coffee. It isn't a fraction as delicious, but it is better than nothing creamy in my coffee. Eventually I want to switch to green tea in the mornings, but first things first! I am not eating splenda anymore either, I've switched to Stevia instead.

I leave you with some art

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Clean Eats

Turkey Meatloaf Muffins
courtesy of

  • 2 lbs ground turkey (or chicken)
  • 3 egg whites
  • 1 cup quick cooking oats
  • 1/2 tsp ground cumin
  • 1/2 tsp dried thyme
  • 2 tsp dry yellow mustard
  • 2 tsp black pepper
  • 2 tsp chipotle pepper spice
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 2 tbsp garlic powder (2 cloves minced)
  • 1 small onion (finely chopped)
  • 2 celery stalks (finely chopped)


Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Spray muffin pan with canola or olive oil. Mix all your ingredients together in one large bowl. Roll the mixture into balls and place in muffin pan. Muffins should be about the size of a racquetball. Bake for 40 minutes. Makes 12 muffins.
Here are pics I took of the process:

the spice blend

ground turkey, oats, onion, celery, spices, and egg whites

fresh out the oven

Ms. New Booty

I'm still piecing together some sort of a routine. I figure I'll just get back into the swing of things, and work one major muscle part per day.  Inspired by this badass glute workout, I decided to I might as well give it a try and make today a glute day.

Here is what I did:
  • Leg Press (feet together): 3 sets of 12 reps
  • Butt Blaster - 3 drop sets of 12-15 reps, finish with 5 partial reps
  • Cable Kickbacks: 3 sets of 12- reps, each leg (this was HARD!!)
  • Hip Abductor -  2 sets of 10-12 reps, finish with 5 partial reps
The 5th excersise she demonstrates in the video workout is a Smith Machine lunge, which I did not do because I need a spotter and I want to get a little stronger before I make a fool of myself on that. That is OK though, because I totally killed. It. My heartrate was soaring, and I totally felt the burn. Walking and sitting tomorrow is going to be a challenge. I love it. I am going to do a glute workout twice per week, it is a strong muscle group and one I want to focus on.
I finished up with 30 minutes of walk/run treadmill cardio, and a long stretch sesh. I am now downing my post workout meal, an organic apple and a carton of Fage fat-free plain Greek yogurt, with a partial scoop of protein powder. And my supplements: Fish oils, glucosamine, and my multi-v. I am rounding up the ingredients to make those turkey meatloaf muffins I mentioned. It'll be my first time making them, but Fitness superstar Jaime Eason invented the recipe, and since she is basically my idol, I have to try them.

Fitness Model Jamie Eason

Saturday, September 18, 2010


For weights I did all back. I was going to do back and biceps, but I was really focusing on hitting every part of my back and the lat pull-downs also hit the biceps, plus since I'm just getting back into things I didn't want to overdo it. Spent about 30 minutes on back:

Lat Pull Downs - 1 warm up set, then 3 sets of 12
Reverse Flyes (which is actually shoulders) 3 sets of 12
One Arm Dumbbell Rows - 3 sets of 12
Cable Rows - 3 sets of 12
and Back Extenstions - 2 sets of 15.

I did one more set of 10 Dumbbell Rows when I got home. Just felt like it.

Aren't the excersizes cool? Yet another reason that is my favorite website. I finished up my workout with 35 minutes of run/walk intervals on the treadmill. The gym was dead, so it was prime time for one of my biggest peeves- when you're on a piece of cardio equipment, and they are all empty, but some dude has to get on the machine RIGHT NEXT TO YOU. I mean come on! Give me some space!! haha, it doesn't really matter, but it is super strange. You'd think he wanted some space. I guess he wanted to watch Fox News (ew) which was on the TV right in front of us. I don't ever care what is on the TV, I am a music gal and oh yeah- my new iPod shuffle rocks!

Breakfast was eggwhite/veggie scramble.
For my lunch and afternoon snack today I had grilled chicken arugula salad, with bean sprouts, cubed cooked sweet potato, green onion, grape tomatos, kiwi, pecans, and a homemade balsamic/EVOO/garlic/Stevia dressing. Super-clean, and super delish!

chicken/arugula/beansprout/etc salad

I think I am going to check out REI tonight. I was thinking about how cool it would be to go jogging in the evening time, and since it is getting darker earlier I need to get a light, like a headlamp or something, so I am going to go check out the merchandise. I also need to get to the grocery store to pick up the ingredients to make Turkey Meatloaf muffins - which I will document!

Preparing for Take Off

I am back in the game, dedicated, committed and with no excuses.

Since my last post I've spent alot of time in my head, trying to mentally stoke my fire that it takes to get back into the swing of a healthy lifestyle. I've made some physical preparations too. I got new gym clothes, slowly started to tighten up my eating, and stopped going out to lunch with friends at work. Today is Saturday, and I've just finished making a super-clean egg-white-squash-shallot-arugula-mushroom scramble (amazing!). I'm finishing up my coffee, and decided to blog for a while before hitting the gym for a chest/bicep day plus cardio. It is technically my first full Day One, but I have had so many "Day One" days that I grow weary of making any sort of declaration- almost like a jinx at this point.

As I've stated before, being fittness/bodybuilding oriented tends to make you a bit of a loner, especially when the crowd you've been running with for the last year+ is not of that mind set in the least. Today they are all heading for tailgating (day-drinking) at the Big 10 Pub beginning at 11am. Normally I would have joined them (feeling guity about it, but rationalizing it as a "last big hoorah") but today I am saying no. I've thought a lot about alcohol and the effects is has on the body, and I'd do best not to touch it with a 10 foot pole. I really hate to admit it, but I think my drinking was teetering on the edge of excessive. Some could say it is normal, I'm just a young woman who likes to have a good time, but I know better. I knew I was drinking to take the edge off of the harsh reality that I had skipped yet another workout and ate like crap that day. Healthy, fit people with phsyiques I admire do don't drink hardly at all. The lifestyles just don't go together. Forget about the immediate effects on the body (it coverts to sugar, halts fat loss, and lowers inhibition thus making you likely to eat crap), the next day is always ruined because of it too. Even if you only had a few, you probably didn't pack your gym bag, or get your clean meals together, and even if you did- do you really feel up for a good workout?

One of the (pathetic) excuses I've had this past year of hedonism is that I just didn't know what I would do on the weekend if I didn't go out. Friday and Saturday nights are for going out to the bars. I really like being out and about among people. Although, the more out of shape I got, the less I actually liked going out because I was really feeling uncomfortable in my own skin, and deep down I knew I was making a bad choice. So I've been thinking about what to do to fill the time. I definitely plan on blogging more. It's a great outlet and will help me channel my thoughts and share things I learn along the way. I also want to get back to my true roots as creative soul. I was always crafting and doodling and singing and dancing as a kid, and my life has been lacking any sort of true creative outlet. Sure I have dabbled in painting over the last few years, but only in moments where I feel inspired. I want to learn to knit hats, and make greeting cards, and other artsy crafty things. A sweatshop of love! I could see myself cozy of the couch on a Saturday night this fall/winter, happy from a hard workout, content and satisfied that I've eaten clean and have my clean meals ready for the next day, and working on some sort of busywork project. I can't wait to figure out what I want to do first! Maybe make Christmas cards? That could be cool.

I don't believe in having regrets, and this past year of sedentry hasn't been a complete waste. Along with the promotion I worked really hard and payed off pretty much all of my debt, which is exciting and remarkable in itself. I've also had some interesting times relationship-wise. People who are close to me tease me about the fact that I date all over the board- I don't have a "type" and it's the truth. I don't want to close myself off of any experiences or interesting people just because I have some list of critera he has to meet. So I dated some cool cats. In the end they never worked out, but I wasn't really in a place to have a full blown relationship anyway. It was just another diversion, a time-waster to fill the void caused by not doing what I needed to be doing to take care of myself. Someone who is only functioning at 75% can't really nurture a relationship with another person, so I am currently unaffiliated with anyone, which is exactly where I need to be. I am going to give being completely single a go. I know I have said that before, but I really want to strive to nurture myself and make myself into the kind of lady I admire and know I am.

Some people have told me that I'm too hard on myself. Why is it that I am either living clean and active, or I'm failing? What about balance? To that I say that I know I am happiest when I'm taking care of myself physically. For me, it is tied so closely to my mental well-being and mood. And feeling well and being in a positive mood is what makes for "the good life."  I am not saying that I will always self-loathe when I have pizza or dessert or a cocktail, but I have to get where that is the rare treat rather than commonplace in order for me not to feel guilty about it.

Well this has certainly been a long, wordy entry. I am off to the gym and to run errands.