Ughhhhh today is day three of my cold from hell. It has moved from my head to my chest, so now I get to cough it up. HAWT! I did some research about excersizing when your sick, and my findings were that you can workout if your cold is above the neck, but if moves below, you cannot. This sucks, because I've finally stopped having body aches and no energy, but I do know my chest is tow' up. Sad Panda!!!! I almost want to go to the gym anyway, but what I am worried about is that it will make me worse and then I will be sicker longer. Soooo I'm just babying myself and taking it easy. I have watched so many movies in the past two days, I'm sick of it. I did take a three-block walk a little while ago, and I might take a longer one later.
I think I am doing all the right things to knock out this wretched cold. When I woke up at 8am this morning and felt that it had moved to my chest, I immediatly busted out the Vick's, slathered it on my chest (hot!) and passed out for three more hours. That stuff works wonders! Although it evokes weird dreams.
For nutrition, I've maintained 100% clean eating...which means today is day 8 eating clean. Day 10 of no drinking. The only difference in my diet now to how it would be otherwise is additional fruit servings. I had a grapefruit Thursday, two oranges yesterday, and an apple today. I'll have an orange later. I want to pack in the vitamins and electrolytes that fruits provide. For breakfast today I made a veggie scramble with avacado.
This is the most lethal secret weapon off all......Popeye juice from the Co-op. What is this Popeye juice, you ask? It is 16oz of juiced beets, carrots, and spinach. Bam! Vitamins fo' yo' body. It sounds gross but juiced carrots are actually super sweet, sweet enough that the whole drink is earthy and delicious. I'm not sure how many calories it contains but I am sure it is high in carbls and natural sugars from the carrots so I let it count as my carb choice with breakfast.
Wish me well! I'm close to going crazy what with all this pent up motivation and no outlet. Heal body, heal!!!