Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Half Birthday

As I stated in a previous post- I'm signed up to run the North Face Endurance Challenge in late October. Training has not been going very well due to some severe knee pain. Not able to stand it any more, I went to the doctor last Thursday to get checked out. He said I have what is commonly referred to as Runner's Knee. I would get into the details of it, but that was last week and I'm over it. Long story short, I'm not doing the race. He said I need to focus on strengthening my quads and glutes, and stretching my hamstrings and calves more. the knees need rest. So, no race for moi. OK, whatever you say doc. The bummer thing is losing $75 registration fee. :(

Soooooo I took the news in stride (not literally- ha!) and have shifted my focus back to original plan of this Autonomy Project, which basically training to get FIT. No more crazy boyfriends and getting dumped followed by 3 weeks of lazy junk food wallowing for me. Yeah, it happened, I expierience the WRONG way to deal with a break up, and I learned from it. Back on track- eye on the prize.

My half birthday was Monday, September 28th and that day also marked my first day back on track. I am now at the end of day four and things are going well; I'm eating clean and doing my workouts. I just need to keep my will power and motivation going strong.

Besides fluctuating motivation, the most difficult part for me is the social aspect of choosing a strict fitness lifestyle. I am one who loves the social scene, loves the night life. I enjoy going out for dinner and drinks. I'm going to have to change what I do when I unwind. The gym helps- in fact it is the biggest stress buster ever. But out with friends drinking- oh drinking. Alcohol is just another form of sugar and completely unnacceptable. Needless to say I am going to be staying in more than going out. With that in mind I signed up for cable TV this week, and am trying to round up a television to like, um, watch it on.

I am proud of my will power so far. Last night was a friend's Birthday celebration. We went out to dinner and I did great- ordered the roasted veggie salad with a tuna steak. Drank water. When the waitress brought my friend a slice of chocolate cake with forks, I just popped a piece of gum. I wasn't tempted at all. A small victory.

After dinner my friend wanted to go to the bars and I didn't feel like going far so I took him to my local watering hole, my Cheers- The Crystal Corner. We got there just after 9 and I was getting kinda sleepy, so to get back in the game I drank a sugar free Red Bull. After that I just had club sodas with a twist of lime. We were out til 1:45 AM- and I had fun the whole time. Of course I knew half the people there and that makes it more enjoyable.

That's all for now.

Go me, go!