Sunday, November 21, 2010

Like a G-6

First of all, I had a fantastic weekend. Its 6:30 PM on Sunday and I am so content and happy right now. I'm watching TV and sippin a strawberry almond protein shake (special thanks to my new cuisinart mini-blender - perfect protein shakes every time). Had a productive and relaxing weekend. Got alot done around the house, had plenty of me-time and even hung out with my new man interest. So awesome.

I went to the gym to do glutes and finish up back, plus power out some cardio intervals. Felt really good, and I've recently gone up in the amount of weight I can lift, which is super exciting. Although, I REALLY need to get weighlifting gloves, lest I get callusy man-hands from throwing all this weight around.

So I always weigh on the YMCA East's scale, and when I weighed today, I could not believe my eyes. I have offically lost 20 lbs in 65 days. Because I love numbers: that's an average of 2.15 lbs per week, or .30 lbs per day, which is right where I want to be. I'm actually ahead of schedule by a week but like I said in the last post I want to celebrate Thanksgiving this week and while I plan to not gorge, I am going to enjoy myself and eat/drink what I want, so it is good that I am ahead. I am going to keep up with my workouts and eat clean for the most part though- don't get it twisted!

Getting closer and closer to my goals.... one day at a time, one choice at a time. And now I'm feelin so fly

Friday, November 19, 2010

Some Awesome Thangs

Whoa today was a pretty great day, some exciting things going on right now. First awesome thing is that my younger brother Corey (one of the twins) just got home from his 2-year church mission today. He's currently in Florida with my Dad. I just talked to him for an hour, we have so much catching up to do. Corey and I are of the same mind, we have similar personalites. I can't wait for him to visit. It is going to be soon.

Another awesome thing is that I met a super cool guy and we've been hanging out. He's oozing with personality, hot, hilarious, brilliant, and really fun to be around. So I'm excited about that (although I try to play it cool...). It is so funny how things come along when you have the lowest expectations. I just love interesting, fun people and if I also happen to have chemistry with and am attracted to an interesting fun person AND its somewhat mutual... then hot damn! Let's do things.

Third awesome thing: I just weighed, and I've lost 2.5 lbs since my last post. That brings the total to 16.5lbs. According to my amazing tracking and planning spreadsheet, I am 4 days ahead of schedule. WOO HOO. lol 4 days. I am planning to be super clean the next few days because I would like to live it up a bit (read: drank) over Thanksgiving next week. That means ramp up the cardio whilst continuing to lift lift lift, and my eating must be on point. Getting super excited as the progress continues. It is too soon for me to start looking at specific figure events, but I am getting closer every day.

This week I made good choices so the proof is in the numbers that I must be doing something right. Went to the gym tonight for chest, triceps, core, and 30 minutes of cardio. Another great Friday night where the gym is empty. Had salmon/yams/veggies for dinner and am drinking water and tea this evening getting so hydrated. Totally enjoying some "me-time" for the next few days. Getting my hair and nails did tomorrow yay.

I love this time of year. Ok, I mean I really bitch about the snow and things but I do like cold weather to a point. I like the clothes and jackets and scarves and bundling up, the smell of fireplaces in the air, glamming up for holiday parties and New Year's eve. It is especially cool for me with the Project because I feel like the layer of warm clothing is my chrysalis to be shed come spring. It is hard not to by new clothes right now. I just don't want to buy items that won't fit in 4 weeks, so I am trying to be smart about any purchases.

hmmm I think there was one more awesome thing but I just can't remember. Some other time perhaps.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Focus, Tiff.

This is my first post in 2.5 weeks! I am still alive and well. I will admit that hectic work travel and poor planning and social choices has caused more off days than I'd like these past few weeks, but I'd say I've been 60% with it. I am still on path to my goals, I have lost 14 lbs to date. It could probably be more if these past two weeks had been tightened up, but ah vell!  I think I always go a little "crazy" as the time changes and early darkness sets in for fall. And, the social choices I made felt really needed- made a new friend and spent time with them, went on a few dates, and had some Halloween fun. Because I want fitness to be my lifestyle, I am trying to learn to balance things. I don't want there to be a 100% or 0% situation, I want to be 90/10. Make sense? I do need to refocus this week though. As always, the eating is 85% of everything, so planning is very important as is abstaining from liqua.

My upper body is really coming along nicely. There has been significant change to my chest, shoulderz, back, and biceps. Better muscularity than I have ever had, and as I cut down I think I am really going to like what I see. I do need to incorporate triceps and core more. For some reason those have been falling to the wayside. Glutes/legs are ok, I carry most of my undesirable weight in my ass/thighs so although I know the muscle is developing nicely you can't see it well yet. This is why I think it is time to ramp up the amount of cardio I do. I want to ride the trainer for 30 minutes in the mornings before work, to get it out of the way and jumpstart my metabolism and start burning pure fat. I get the nicest legs when I cycle regularly. It is even more effective than running for me, probably because it directly stirs the quads and things. Gets the blood flowing, yo.

So my goal this week is to be 100%.